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Liz McMahon, Hospital Administrator

  • In another life, I’m pretty sure I was: Unicorn
  • If I won the lottery tomorrow, I’d start a: Therapeutic horse farm for autistic kids/youth
  • The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is: “teach people how to treat you” & “choose your battles”
  • If I could invent a holiday, it would definitely involve: National Fur Baby Day
  • What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team of superstars? Just keep smiling, ask questions, do your best and HAVE FUN!
  • If I wasn’t a “Veterinary Hospital Administrator” I’d be a: Corporate Lawyer or Flight Attendant
  • Favourite Cat breed: Himalyan/Persian/Ragdoll
  • Favourite Dog breed: Rhodesian Ridgebacks
  • My favorite word in the English language is: “Squishy” & “Purulent”
  • My favorite word that has no direct English translation is: “Ska-doosh” or “Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo”
  • What’s the most inspiring part of your job? My Team! AND the chance to promote health and welfare to all
  • The most important thing I learned before high school was: Respect and Manners
  • If I were a superhero, my superpower would be: Mind Reader/Invisibility
  • When I was under 10yrs old, I was pretty sure I’d be a: Veterinarian (was always sleeping in the barn w/horses)
  • If you were a pasta shape, what shape would you be and why? Bowtie – makes every pasta dish taste better
  • Favourite place you’ve been: Belize
  • Next place you plan to travel: Backpacking through Europe